Chapter 1/Prologue:The rise of Matthew Bartholomew

Time: Unknown

Nit slowly opened his eyes and sat up. He quickly sank. Apparently, he was in the water. He tried to turn to ice and make an iceberg he could sit on but he couldn’t! He kept on trying to but always failed

“What has happened to my power?” He asked desperately. At that moment, he caught on fire and shot into the air.

“How did this happen? I’m a pyrokinetic!” He exclaimed, then said again, “But, how did this happen?!” Suddenly, he heard a voice in his ear:

‘You cannot know. You will never know. Forget it.’

“Who’s there!” Nit’s head whipped around in the air, looking for the voice.

‘You shall now be Matthew Bartholomew, to hide your secret. Tell anyone else who asks that you got the powers in the nuclear war that will happen like everyone else,’ the voice said.

“Alright, I will,” Matthew answered. He looked around for civilization and saw land about ten miles to the north. He flew super fast (still on fire) toward it and landed on the ground. He realized at that moment that he didn’t know how to turn off the fire. When he thought that the fire immediately disappeared. He saw that he had a strange suit on, it must be what had kept the fire from burning his skin. He knew that the voice who had talked to him probably put the suit on too. And then Matthew Bartholomew began his new life as a terrorist.

Chapter 2: 2222

9:00 in the night

The year is 2222. Lint is found and changed his name to forget his past so his name is now James and Rash and Tricia were found too. They’ve changed their names, too, to Alex and Sarah. After a nuclear war people on earth gained super powers. James developed the power of speed, Alex developed the power of incredible strength, and Sarah developed the power of flight. The Shadow-knights had taken James and the others in and trained him to their fullest potential. James has become leader of a new city, Time-warp city. Being immortal has it’s awesomeness’. They gained great wisdom and power to lead the prospering city. But, an evil lurks in the shadows to leap out and grab the moment. Nit has survived and now he is waiting to kill James and get his revenge. Except his name is Lord Bartholomew, so has immunity. James does not know he survives and plots as we speak but he is getting suspicious of all the terrorist attacks on the populace. Now, he inspects a manuscript found at the scene of one of the attacks that he intends to decrypt.

I stared intently at the device that laid before him. It could hold the key to stopping these terrorists.

“It’s very strange, but I think I’ll be able to decrypt it in a month maybe.” I insured Alex and Sarah.

“We don’t have a month! The attacks are getting more and more organized and dangerous. We have to put a stop to it or they take total control of the city, killing hundreds of people in the process probably.” Exclaimed Alex.

“I don’t know what your guys are talking about but...”, She flew up toward the ceiling of the king’s room doing loop-de-loops in the process, “I think we’d be able to totally pone them. We have for a king a superhuman who can run faster than the speed of light, a body-guard who can pick up buildings, and me, able to fly the speed of sound, and pretty much, me’s all you need.

Alex chuckled. “I doubt it.” He retorted.

“Alex, Sarah’s right. We’re pretty much safe right now, we still have the guards too. And, the city would always lend a hand, probably.” I reassured. I looked the numbers blinking on the screen, “I think I know how to decode this, look at the numbers if your line the first few letters up with what number of letter they have in the alphabet, it forms a word. To decode this, your have to do that. That just shortened the month to maybe about two weeks, I still have to do my kingly duties.”

“Good.” Alex walked away toward the door except when he pushed the door open it flew off it’s hinges, “Uhhh... I’ll fix that in the morning. I’m hitting the the sack, ‘night!”

“Me too!” Sarah flew toward the door, flying through the door swiftly. I sped toward a piece of paper, writing down the words I knew so far.

“Well, I better go sleep to, long day tomorrow. And I’m talking to myself.” Suddenly I remembered when I had said that hundreds of years ago, a pain in his heart grew as I remembered my parents, who had been killed by Nit when he had destroyed the kingdom. Time-stop city had been built on it, I took over the city after becoming a master Shadow-knight. I changed its name to Time-stop city, don’t know why but it sounded cooler. I then ran toward my room, getting there in two seconds. And then, I fell asleep quickly. It’s gonna be a long day tomorrow.

“James! James! James, wake up” A voice shouted.

“What?” I asked groggily.

“There’s been another attack! on the Retirement Square! It’s gone!” Alex shook me awake and dragged me toward the screen. On it showed a picture of Retirement Square, except, it was gone.

“How-!” I started. The news reporter started showing a video from the security cameras. A gargantuan laser beamed down from the sky, appearing to seem like it was from space. The reporter started a very interesting report: “It seems that the terrorist group has attacked again, a small-”

“Hi guys. What’s going on?” Sarah had walked into the room.

“Ssshhhh!!” I hissed.

The reporter continued, “-small device was found near the scene of the crime. We do not know what it is and what to do with it.” the camera turned toward the reporter again.


“I’m on my way.” She pressed a button on our synchronized watches that keep us in touch all the time. It opened a window near the screen and flew through at a very fast speed.

“Well, that’s going to go over well.” Sarah suddenly appeared beside the reporter.

“Where is the device?” She asked intently.

“Who are your?” The reporter asked.

“None of your business!” Sarah retorted.

“Well, if you really want-!”

“I do!”

“It’s over there by the police.”

“Thank your for your ‘cooperation’.” She said. She flew over to the police and took the device. Then, she flew away faster than your can say ‘flew’. I walked over to the desk where the old device was. I prepared a separate piece of paper than the old one. I almost forgot a pencil and walked over to get one.

“I got the device.” Sarah said as she flew in, “You could eat breakfast.” She placed the device in front of me. It seemed to very similar to the old one, but it was larger and a little more rounder. I turned it on. On the screen it showed a long list of numbers.

“Even though I know how to decode it now, this one looks like it really will take a while, maybe 4 weeks.” I concluded.

“We have to find these terrorists before they start to do this again. This is a huge push forward toward catching these guys. We have to hope that they’ll start getting sloppy. We have to catch them in the act.” Alex said tactfully. Alex was not only my best friend but he was also the general of the royal army, a wise choice in my department, “In the meantime, we should take a rest and eat breakfast.”

“Finally! I’m starving!” Sarah said exhaustingly.

“Then, by all means lets go, slowly...”,”My friends stared at me strangely as we walked toward the door. Then, right when they didn’t think I was kidding, I said, “Just kidding! Beat your there!” And I ran toward the royal dining room.

Inside the dining room was chaos, my trusted politicians arguing.

“Everybody!” I yelled above their voices, “Why are your fighting?!”

“A politician spoke up, “ We were discussing the means of which to confront this new attack. All the retired people staying there were gone as well.”

“Then can’t we discuss like civilized men, not arguing and yelling?”, I questioned, “Now, let’s begin with not empty stomachs but full ones!”

“You always were good at that.” Sarah said as she walked through the door with Alex.”

“I know.” I answered, smiling. We sat down and started eating the breakfast.

“Now, I have discovered a way to crack a series of numbers on the two devices found at two of the attacks with my colleagues. We’ll have them done in about 4 weeks.” I reviewed to them, “But this new device that they used in this device is troubling. I have an idea that could work. Sarah since she can fly, could fly into space wearing a specialized strength suit that would enable her to be very powerful and breathe in space. She could look for the weapon and when she finds it, destroy it.”

“That’s a very good plan, it might just work.”, One politician said, “But we would have to wonder where to get this suit?”

“Then, let’s get started.”

Chapter 3: Plan Impossible

11:00 in the morning

“Is this suit really going to work?” Asked Sarah as she tightened the clamps on her new specialized suit, which we had built in two hours, I know, I’m proud.

“Well, yes... possibly” I answered.

“Wait, what?!”

“Yes! It will work!” I said. Sarah cursed under her breath as she readied herself for the long flight.

“Watch that mouth, Sarah. Tsk, tsk.” I retorted.

“Y’know, if I die on this plan of yours. I will kill your in the afterlife, you and Alex.” She said angrily.

“Uh-huh. Doubt it, I’m too fast.” I said as I dodged her hand as it swung out to meet my face, “And trying to hit you king? I’m surprised!”

“Go jump off a cliff or something else like that.” Sarah took off toward the sky.

“She’s not gonna be back for a long time is she?” I said.

“Nope. According to space laws, she should be back by the time your finish that second device.” Alex answered.

“That’s what I thought” I said.

“Sure...” He said, “What now?”

“The second part of my plan.”

The second part of the plan

11:00 at night

As we hid in the bushes beneath the tower of Lord Bartholomew, I was pretty sure I saw a red streak flying across the sky. Sarah had to gain enough speed to exit the atmosphere. Apparently, she was still gaining speed.

“Tell me again why we’re are staking out here, James?” Alex asked in a whisper beside me.

“When I was decoding the code, I found some numbers that when I just looked at the numbers they looked familiar the letters formed a name, a familiar one. It was Lord Bartholomew’s name, someone I had met with to discuss the local news of a ring of robberies several years ago, we stopped the robbers. That’s why we’re staked out here.” I summarized.

“So he’s in on i-! Wait! Then what are we waiting out here for?!” He asked.

“I don’t know. Something, I hope.” The timing was perfect, right after I said that a speeder flew toward a window by the top of the tower.

“Come on” Alex said quickly. He then picked me up and prepared to throw me toward the top of the tower.

“Wait!” I started but it was too late I was thrown all the way onto a garden nestled nicely on the top of the skyscraper. I looked back just as Alex jumped toward the top too, and landed on the tower. The second part had begun.

We crawled over to a small glass opening at the far end of the garden.

“He must really like flowers to actually take care of all these flowers.” Alex observed.

“Well, they are peaceful.” I replied. We walked over to the window and looked in. The hallway we were looking into was deserted and there were no guards.

“Looks like a good place to knock.” Alex said.

“Quietly, please.” I asked.

“Like I ever.” Alex simply stood up and tapped on the door, fortunately I moved away in the nick of time before the window fell in. I sighed.

“I suppose you’re correct.” I agreed. We then leaped into the hole.

“Sarah’s missing out.” I said happily, “Let’s do this.”

Keeping to the shadows, we sneaked to the edge of the wall.

“I don’t think Sarah’s missing out, she doesn’t like stealth missions.” Alex disagreed.

“Maybe you’re right.” I said. My legs were starting to get cramped from kneeling so long, “I wonder if we we’re getting close to the room. We turned the corner and gasped. We were there. Lord Bartholomew was discussing something with a man, tall, maybe about in his mid-thirties, brown hair and had a scar  running from beside his left ear to the bottom of his cheek. I actually didn’t remember what Bartholomew’s power was. I think his power had something to do with heat.

“Do you have the shipments?” Bartholomew asked.

“Yes they’re right here. Bring it out boys!” The man signaled to a couple of men, who in turn went to the back of the hovercraft. They then went back and brought out a very heavy looking box. I suddenly remembered something. I knew this man, and I knew the danger we were in just crouching here.

“Alex, we have to get out of here.” I told him.

“Why? Are we in any danger? Are there security cameras?” He spun around wildly looking for any danger, even though he was braver now, he was still a worry wart.

“Just come on!” I grabbed Alex and pulled him toward the door. As we got closer to the window I heard men shouting:

“Get them!” It shouted.

“I knew this was a bad idea, if Sarah were here we would have been home free by now!” I said, scared.

“Then come on!” Alex picked me up and jumped through the ceiling making plaster, silver, and brick fly everywhere. And then we fell.

“That might not have been my smartest idea” Alex said as we fell to our doom. He let go of me and angled his arms that before we fell he would protect me when we hit the ground, “Okay, having Sarah right now would have been a smart idea.” We hit the ground with a boom and a large cloud of dust. I got up quickly and looked down at Alex, afraid for what might of happened, but then he raised up his hands to form a thumbs-up.

“I’m okay.” He murmured.

7:00 in the morning, next day

“Okay, so apparently Lord Bartholomew is in on something and it looks suspicious.” I summed up.

“Who was that guy he was talking to and why were your so worried about him?” Alex asked.

“He is a major crime boss in new york city, his name is Rex Malevolent. He has the power of enhanced senses. I bet a 100 morrisians (the money in Time-warp city) that he knew we were there, either if he smelled, saw, or heard us, I just know he knew we were there! How could I be so stupid! But we mustn't worry about the past, we have incriminating evidence against Matthew Bartholomew. The only problem is that people won’t believe us, even though I’m the king of this city. Matthew is too famous with the people. We’re going to have to find a way to expose him, considering what he’s doing is that bad. We need more evidence against him. The other thing is our evidence as I thought was incriminating might not be so incriminating after all, Rex might be going straight and made a delivery service or... he could be what I thought he was in the first place, a person involved in the terrorist attacks.”

“That could be true, but we’ll have to crack the codes on those devices found at the scenes of the crimes.” Alex said


Chapter 4: Sarah’s mission

9:00 at night

Sarah flew as fast as she could around Earth, gaining enough speed to escape the atmosphere. As she was flying she thought about different things.

‘The city looks pretty tonight,’ she thought, ‘Wish I didn’t have to do this boring mission, I bet Alex and James are having fun right now.

Meanwhile, back to Alex and James...

“Just come on!” I grabbed Alex and pulled him toward the door. As we got closer to the window I heard men shouting:

“Get them!” It shouted.

“I knew this was a bad idea, if Sarah were here we would have been home free by now!” I said, scared.

“Then come on!” Alex picked me up and jumped through the ceiling making plaster, silver, and brick fly everywhere. And then we fell.

“That might not have been my smartest idea” Alex said as we fell to our doom. He let go of me and angled his arms that before we fell he would protect me when we hit the ground.

“Okay, having Sarah right now would have been a smart idea,” We hit the ground with a boom and a large cloud of dust. I got up quickly and looked down at Alex, afraid for what might of happened, but then he raised up his hands to form a thumbs-up.

“I’m okay.” He murmured.

Back to Sarah...

‘I always have to do the stupid part of missions.’ She thought. A sonic boom broke the silence as she started to go mach fifteen almost enough to break the atmosphere. After mach fifty she broke out of the atmosphere and raced into space. It was like instead of a blue ocean, it was black. Star’s twinkled all their lights in harmony as she flew silently through space. She looked around and saw Earth. It was blue because of actual oceans. Time-warp city had billions of lights scattered all over it. Over near it, there was a country that looked like Bearen Nevet’s country. Bearen Nevets was a friend of James in his Shadow-knight training. Then, she saw Tommy’s continent, Shawn Frost’s continent, Fiery Fred’s and a few others.
‘Back to the mission.’ Sarah thought. Then, she found what she was looking for.

Back with Alex and James

“Are your almost done with that stupid device!” Alex asked me.

 “I just finished the first one!” I answered proudly.
 “This is boring.” Alex said.

Back to Sarah

‘Looks like my part of the mission just got more exciting.’ She thought. As she was thinking this she was looking at a massive space carrier. On the side was a name. ‘THE SKULL-CRUSHER’. The name didn’t really scare Sarah. She flew quickly at the space carrier and into a force-field covered area. Finally, she was able to open her mask, able to breath because of the force-field.
“Finally! That thing was so annoying!” Sarah shouted, “Now, let’s see what this doohickey is.” She flew up toward a deck that had a door. She got there and opened the door. Inside seemed to be some sort of control room. She walked in and surveyed it. Looking at the computer monitor, she inferred that there would probably be a self-destruct button that they probably placed in case anything went wrong. She then activated her watch connector to James and Alex.
“Guys, I seemed to have found a control room. Do you guys know how to self-destruct a space-ship?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah, it’s usually the red button. Hey, if you see any strange devices, could your pick them up for me?” I replied. Sarah looked around the room for a device and found one lying on the table and picked it up.

“Found it! I got it. Okay, I’m blowing up the ship now! Bye!” Sarah said as she walked to the monitor. There was a red button. And of course, she pressed it. A countdown started and it showed:

‘1:00 left till countdown, 0:59, 0:58...

“Uh, oh.” Sarah quickly flew out the door and out the ship flying away as fast as she could. She barely had time to turn around and see THE SKULL-CRUSHER exploding into bits.

5:00 in the morning

“I’m back!” Sarah said as she flew through the open window, “and I got the device!”

“Good, because I just finished the other ones and boy... have we got a story for you.” I told her, “We invaded Matthew Bartholomew’s tower, Matthew seemed to be discussing a trade operation. We discovered that the man was Rex Malevolent, a major crime boss, but at a price.” I said, “We’ve been up all night and I’m so tired I think I might just… go… to… sleep… right… now...” I had fallen asleep and so had Alex.

“Guys? Guys? Well I was really hungry anyway. Off to breakfast!” Sarah exclaimed happily. As Sarah walked to breakfast she heard a strange sound. Quickly turning, around she saw a cloud of some kind of gas going toward her.

“James! Alex!” She shouted right before the gas enveloped her, and she fell unconscious to the ground“Hey did you hear that?”  James said as he quickly awoke.

“Yeah, it sounded like it was coming from-“

“Sarah!” We both said in unison. I rushed out into the hallway toward the royal dining room as fast as I could. On the ground lay a limp body.

“Sarah?! Sarah!? I think she’s unconscious.” I said, “I’ve got to take her to the medical room!” I quickly picked her up and ran toward the hospital like a Mach 100 racing car. Inside, I rushed to the counter and said:

“I need a medic for her, she’s unconscious.”

“Right away, your Highness.” She replied, “I need room B7, repeat, B7. I have an unconscious girl here.” Immediately, men rushed into the room and put Sarah on a cart. After that, they rushed her off to a room, B7 I suspected.

“Is she okay?” Alex asked as I walked in.

“She’s going to be fine.” I answered.

Chapter 5: Cracking the code

12:45 at noon

As we walked into the room I could tell that Sarah was feeling better by the way she was arguing with the nurse.

“I feel fine! I don’t need any dumb blood test! I can go!” Sarah argued.

“I think you do!” She answered, “Clearly, you do! Just let me take one tiny test.”

“I think she’s fine.” I told the nurse, “We’ll take it from here. Come on Sarah. Let’s go.”

“Ha! Told you they would come.” Sarah shot one last victorious look at the nurse before they left. We walked back to the room I was using for decrypting the devices. Then, I walked over to the desk and sat down to start writing.

“You might what want to leave for a while. This is

going to take a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long-”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Alex exhaustingly said.

“Okay... right! Back to work!” After that, they left to go do something else other than watch me do boring stuff. Anyways, I think you’d probably want to read this instead.

The amazing adventures of Alex and Sarah! Kind of...

Right after they left the room

I’m going to let Alex do the first person now so see you in about in the next day. Bye


Okay, so now I get to do the story right? Oh, okay. Umm... Oh! I’ve got it!

After we left the room in which James was working in, Sarah and I walked out the door. Fortunately, I had a plan to do something fun.

“Sarah, I’ve got a hunch. I think that the next attack might be on the city carnival.” I told her.

“And why would you ever think something like that?” She asked.

“Because I was looking down at the sheet and I didn’t have anything to do so I started to decode one random word and it spelled: Carnival. So come on!” I said.

“Good! I was feeling like going to the carnival.”

Three hours later at the City Carnival

“Want some cotton candy?” Sarah asked me (Sarah really likes cotton candy).

“No thank you.” I answered. As I walked over to the Wheel-of-fun I heard a sound behind me. My head spun around and what I saw made the hairs on the back of my  head stand up. Right in front of me stood a twenty foot tall thrashing, roaring, and angry giganotosaurus.

Back with James

Peaceful music played while James silently deciphered the code that had evaded him for hours.

“I wonder how Alex and Sarah are doing?” He wondered out loud.

Back to Alex and Sarah at the carnival

“Run!” I yelled. The giganotosaurus was coming this way, each step taking another five yards. Of course, since I had an awesome super power, I lunged at it. I hit it’s legs quickly at the same time making it fall to the ground then Sarah picked me up and we flew into the air. Once we got incredibly high, she dropped me down toward the dinosaur. I put my arms out in front of me and smashed into it’s stomach. It was unconscious.

“That was probably the most strangest battle I’ve ever fought in my life.” Sarah realized.

“Me too.” I agreed, “How did it even get here? They went extinct like, a billion years ago.” I walked over to where it laid and found a device.

“Jeez. How many of those are there?” Sarah asked.

“No idea. But James is going to be working his butt off with all these devices.” I told her, “Let’s go!” Sarah grabbed my arm and we took off. We were back at the castle in ten minutes.

“Hey guys I just finished the last... device.” James’s face fell as he saw the device held in my hand.

Okay, James is going to do the storytelling in first person now

“Wonderful. I work for five hours and your come back with another device.” I said sadly, “Oh well, back to work.” I sadly took the device and sat down again to start on the device. Except, when I turned it on there weren’t any numbers. There was just a little button that said press me. Of course, I pressed it, but that was not a smart idea. A blinding flash of light appeared and I was blinded. I covered my eyes. It didn’t work. The last thing I knew, everything was swirling around. Wind was blowing against my cheeks. I felt very dizzy.

After about 5 minutes of total spinning, swirling, and dizziness, I opened my eyes and slowly got up.

That was when I realized I was out of my time, by a lot. It looked as if I was in 4444 instead of 2222. There were flying cars going every way and a skyscraper stood in front of me as tall as the atmosphere. I stared in awe. 4444 is amazing. I was speechless. It looked as if Earth had solved all it’s problems. Everything looked so perfect. but how did I get here? I thought back to when I was in my time. It was the device that sent me here! I should keep that device for vacations to the future just right after I know how to get back to 2222...

A thought came to my head, ‘How will I get back to 2222?’. This will be interesting. VERY interesting. I walked around, exploring the year 4444 and how much the earth has changed since 2222. People that were born in the year 4400-4444 and more are lucky. They get this great, awesome city. I suddenly realized, what if this wasn't Time-warp city? What if Time-warp city has changed through the years? What if theres a new ruler? What if... there were too many ‘What ifs’ to comprehend. I raced toward the front of the city and looked at the board that said the name of the city and gasped in surprise. The name of the city was Mattheworld.

“No! How could this happen!” I exclaimed. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me.

“James Heram/Live terrorist put your hands up where I can see them!” It said. It sounded a little robotic.

“Wait! I’m not a terrorist!” I spun around and quickly took a step back after what I saw. The policeman wasn’t human, ‘it’ was a robot. And he was holding a laser heat-seeking following missile, aimed right at me.

“Uhhh... You’re a robot.” I said confused.

“Yes. Yes I am. Now I am going to arrest you!” It ordered.

“Not if I can help it!” I ran toward it and knocked his head. While he was dizzy and dazed, I sped behind the robot and sped into the city. Unfortunately, the robot had called reinforcements. Fortunately, they weren’t that fast. Unfortunately, they had little pods that could fly almost as fast as Sarah.

“Hey! Losers! I bet you can’t catch me!” I yelled at them. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut because right at that moment, rockets burst out of the backs of their pods and they easily went as fast as Sarah. I pressed the time machine button a lot, hoping it would work before the robots killed me.

“Work! Work you stupid device! Work!” Finally, a bright flash of light appeared and I was back in my chair staring at the time device in front of me. Sarah and Alex weren’t here so they must have left to go to lunch. If it was even lunchtime, I didn’t know how long I was gone. With a sickening feeling I realized something. The terrorists had a time machine.


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